The Lifestyle Factory - Our Story
We are a Swedish based company founded with many years of experience in the retail industry. After years of trying to compensate for the fact that the retail industry was functioning based on an old structure of doing business we decided to do something about it.
When working in a setting where a brand set up a business with distributors in different layers that in the end not uncommonly end up selling to the same customers. With the digitization and the progression of different marketplaces, where Amazon of course is one of the main players on the global market, it became more and more of a challenge to not end up in a competitive situation with the own distributors. Instead of selling on a contradictory market we want to move the production closer to the end consumer.
Instead of taking a new brand to the market, we saw the opportunity to produce our different lifestyle products to already existing brands and influencers.
There are many different type of influencers that already today sell lot of products without getting a piece of the revenues. This is waste of sales opportunities and keeps the distance between the end consumer and the production of the different lifestyle products. We are therefore moving these influencers in to our eco-system where they benefit from selling specialized products to their customers and communities and where they in the future can be part of our innovation process developing lifestyle products.
Innovation is a very important part of our business idea. We believe innovation is not only new products but existing products taken to new markets or even existing products to a new setting.
Our vision for The Lifestyle Factory is huge so we decided to focus on two specific areas to begin with where we believe a new way of thinking business is needed. We have therefore started working with the two brand clusters; gymnastics associations and physiotherapists. This is how we will start building our new lifestyle factory ecosystem.